Let’s Talk Taxes

Are you the type of person who saves every receipt and follows every guideline to the letter? Or do you take a more relaxed approach, bending the rules when it suits you? Maybe you’ve even gotten a little creative with your tax return. You are like that friend who humorously claimed four dependents, when you only have three! Which camp do you fall into: rule-follower or rule-breaker?

This tension between obsessively following the rules and bending them is something we all face. This occurs not just during tax season. It happens in our everyday lives and even in our faith. But what if there’s a better way to navigate this?

The Weight of Perfection (Legalism)

Have you ever felt like you need to get everything right to make God happy? Like you’re walking on eggshells, fearful that one misstep mean disaster?

Legalism is the belief that we must be perfect to earn God’s love. It’s a heavy burden. Think of it like working in a high-pressure job where even one mistake ruins everything. As Christians, some of us feel this same way about our faith. We fear that if we’re not perfect, God will be angry with us.

Imagine the parent who wonders every night, “Did I do enough today?” or the high school student terrified that a single wrong answer will destroy their future. That’s the pressure of legalism. It’s exhausting, isn’t it?

But what if there’s another way—one that doesn’t involve carrying the crushing weight of perfection?

The Allure of Rebellion (Lawlessness)

On the opposite side of the spectrum, there’s lawlessness. This is the idea that we can live in any way we want because God’s grace covers everything. It’s tempting, especially when we hear phrases like “live your truth” or “you do you.”

But what happens when we ignore the rules? Just like an employee who cuts corners at work, lawlessness promises freedom. A friend who only shows up when it’s convenient can also illustrate this. Yet, it delivers isolation and brokenness.

Jesus offers us something better than either extreme.

Jesus’ Better Way: A Life of Grace and Truth

The tension between legalism and lawlessness isn’t new. Jesus addressed it head-on in His teachings. The Pharisees of His day believed that strict rule-following would bring salvation. Others thought Jesus’ message meant the rules no longer applied. But both groups misunderstood His message.

Jesus didn’t come to get rid of the rules. He came to fulfill the law. He showed us a better way rooted in love, grace, and truth. He invites us into a kingdom-centered life that’s not about performance or rebellion, but about living in relationship with God.

Where Do You Fall?

Take a moment to consider: Are you leaning toward the side of legalism, trying to earn God’s approval through perfection? Or are you more inclined toward lawlessness, thinking grace gives you a free pass to do whatever you want?

What drives you—fear, or the wish for control?

Jesus invites us to live beyond these extremes. His way offers freedom, not through rigid rule-following or unchecked rebellion, but through grace and truth.

Living in Grace and Truth

Imagine waking up every morning knowing that you are already loved and accepted by God, without the pressure to perform. What if God’s commandments weren’t restrictions but pathways to a deeper relationship with Him and others?

This week, challenge yourself to consider where you’ve been striving for perfection or bending the rules. What would it look like to embrace both grace and truth in your life?

Bottom Line: Jesus invites us to live beyond legalism and lawlessness—into a life of grace, truth, and freedom.

Call To Action

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This blog post was based on the Sermon “Legalism vs. Lawlessness,” preached on October 6, 2024 at Desert Vineyard Church.

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