Last post was about how we need to learn how to starve our stuff…so….
HOW is starving your stuff going?

No, seriously—how’s it going? My son Theodore has been shouting it at me all week: “Starve your stuff, Dad!” He’s like a tiny prophet, and honestly, I needed the reminder. I’ve been trying to live it out too—eating from the fridge, skipping unnecessary purchases. But then our bathtub spout broke, and then I found myself wrestling with all the amazing Black Friday deals.

Can you relate? Those moments when you’re tempted to break your commitment and go back to chasing stuff?

Here’s what I’ve realized: starving your stuff isn’t a one-time choice. It’s a daily battle. And that battle isn’t just about what we own—it’s about what owns us.

What Happens When You Starve Your Stuff?

Last week, Jesus’ challenge was clear:

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth.” (Matthew 6:19)

Why? Because your treasure determines where your heart is.

But when you let go of the grip of “stuff” and start investing in the Kingdom, something incredible happens: HOPE.

This week, Jesus takes us deeper—into the main barrier to the hope he wants for us. The blessing he wants us to experience no matter what our circumstances are: worry.

Why Worry Keeps You Stuck

Let’s get real for a second. How many of us worried this week? About bills? Jobs? If our clothes match today? Worry sneaks in, steals our peace, and blinds us to what matters most.

Jesus knew this, and so he builds a case on how money, and our fixation on it is directly connected to worry. Where we fix our eyes determines if we are hopeful or if we are filled with anxiety.

“The eye is the lamp of the body; so then, if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.” (Matthew 6:22-23)

Here’s what Jesus is saying:

  • clear eye is undivided. It’s generous and focused on the Kingdom.
  • bad eye is divided, clouded by fear and greed. It’s stingy, stuck in scarcity, and blind to God’s provision.

And here’s the danger:

If your eyes are dim, you can’t see the Kingdom. And if you can’t see the Kingdom, you can’t see that the King is moving. If you can’t see the King moving, you can’t trust the King. And without trust in the King, there is no hope.

Hope is the deep assurance—the feeling of trust—that the King will care for you, no matter what happens.

Worry vs. Generosity: The Choice is Yours

Worry tells us:

  • God isn’t enough.
  • You have to hold on tighter.
  • You can’t trust Him to provide.

But Jesus offers a radical alternative: Kill worry by breaking your reliance on money. To escape the cycle of worry that consumes the world, we must use our money in a way that looks radically different from the world’s approach.

“Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves money belts that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven.” (Luke 12:33)

Generosity breaks the cycle of worry. It’s not just an act of kindness—it’s an act of trust. It declares:

  • God, I trust You more than my fear.
  • I trust you to provide

Generosity shifts your focus from your stuff to your Savior.

What Generosity Looks Like in Action

Let me show you what generosity can produce in the Kingdom.

📹 Watch This Video: Compassion In Action

Our Hope Center has been a beacon of Kingdom work. Through generosity of people just like you:

  • Families have received groceries.
  • People experiencing homelessness have found dignity through showers, clothing, and support.
  • Children have been given meals, hope, and a brighter future.

Every act of compassion is a declaration of trust in God and an investment in His Kingdom.

Feeling inspired? You can join us in this work.

💛 Invest in Compassion in Action: Give Here

Radical Generosity: Defy Worry, Find Freedom

Radical generosity isn’t easy—it’s bold. It’s defiant.

  • It says to fear: You don’t own me.
  • It says to worry: You won’t control me.
  • It says to the world: My treasure is in the Kingdom.

And here’s the beautiful part: generosity doesn’t just bless others—it transforms you.

Your Inheritance: Freedom, Not Worry

Jesus reminds us in Luke 12:

“Do not be worried… your Father knows that you need these things. But seek His kingdom, and these things will be provided to you.” (Luke 12:30-31)

God doesn’t just meet your needs—He delights in doing so.

When you give generously, you’re stepping into:

  • Freedom: From the cycle of anxiety.
  • Trust: In a God who always provides.
  • Joy: That comes from investing in what lasts forever.

Take the Next Step

You don’t have to stay stuck in worry. You don’t have to let fear own you.

  • Starve your stuff.
  • Give generously.
  • Trust radically.

💡 What’s one thing you can do this week to shift your focus to the Kingdom?

💛 Join Compassion in Action: Give Here

Generosity isn’t just a gift—it’s a declaration of freedom, a step of faith, and an act of hope.

Let’s keep making it count.

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